Raising the status of a teacher – how the consequences of monitoring affect him.

Raising the status of a teacher – how the consequences of monitoring affect him.

stupid, and the authors have a legitimate right to the truth in the last resort, supported by expert opinions and hundreds of "round tables" on the unconditional support of the new curriculum in world literature as … "curriculum of the new generation" … Well, no publication, which takes care of educational topics, and a more or less influential TV channel, which would not present this event in the news and thematic issues of their programs. The sharpness of the discussion was due to the fact that the humanitarian cycle of school subjects is essentially the basis for the formation of self-awareness of the future citizen of Ukraine, who must nevertheless be more worthy, noble and chaste than you and me. for our country, the phenomenon when even the opposition and the authorities agreed, and from the lips of the Minister of Education it was said that he was against the expulsion of the Little Prince by the fashionable Harry Potter. However, what was included in the final curriculum of world literature September 2013. As they say, we have options! Before we end, let’s take another look at what we have included in the Top 10 most resonant educational events of 2012: Harry Potter vs. The Little Prince – new training programs. Ukrainian history with philology and a variable component – new curricula. Words for the letter X – Primer of the new generation. My dear textbook – how much do free textbooks cost the state. Raising the status of a teacher – how the consequences of monitoring affect him. What is more than 100 or 98% is another total overcoming of computer illiteracy. How to stop bullying teachers – a letter about the certification of teachers. Letters of happiness – new management approaches. An event that no one needs is the fate of the documents adopted at the All-Ukrainian Congress of Educators. Double Top 10 ministerial – educational events of the coming year.

And finally … Any Top 10 remains more or less objective only within the criteria of a certain rating, because the Ministry of Education has its own vision of events, while others have the right to their own. But in our and ministerial tops there is that that unites us. That year, we offered everyone to "thaw" their own top 10, or to make a rating of the most significant educational events in their region or individual school. And in this year’s message from December 14 on the website of the Ministry of Education it is written that "heads of regional education departments identify the 10 most important events at the regional level by posting it on the websites of departments and the Ministry." And in the ministerial news of December 18, it was already reported that “such top-10 ratings are also defined in all regions of Ukraine.” .. and the most sincere wishes to all educators less plans and reports, and more money and respect from students, parents, managers, community and, if possible, from the state.May you be happy not only for the New Year and Christmas of our Lord Jesus Christ, but and throughout the year, which is already insistently knocking on our doors.Oleg Ivanov, Osvita.ua


10/27/2011 The child’s right to education is an unconditional priority of state policy, – V. Yanukovych During the All-Ukrainian meeting on the protection of children’s rights, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych stressed that ensuring the child’s right to education remains an unconditional priority of state policy
10/19/2011 National strategy for the development of education: when nothing is visible behind the fog Igor Likarchuk, Director of the Center for Test Technologies and Monitoring of Education Quality, on the draft National Strategy for Education Development, prepared by the Ministry of Education (Ukr.)
10/17/2011 Bluff strategy for Ukrainian education The closer to the III All-Ukrainian Congress of Educators scheduled for October 28, the more all sorts of "strategies" and other "developments" appear.
10/11/2011 Experts propose to implement a state program to combat alcoholism of minors Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center for Practical Psychology and Social Work of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine has completed a pilot project of the informational and educational anti-alcohol program "Family Conversation"
10/7/2011 Parental care on the Internet is not superfluous at all BitDefender has published the results of a survey of 1,740 parents from five countries, which was devoted to the topic of child and adolescent safety on the Internet
10/5/2011 There are no extortions from parents in the Crimean schools, – the Minister of Education of the Crimea Crimean Minister of Education and Science Vitalina Dzoz does not believe in extortion from teachers in educational institutions of the autonomy
10/4/2011 The Verkhovna Rada refused to abolish compulsory preschool education The bill provided for the abolition of compulsory education for children from the age of five
10/4/2011 On one wing Teacher’s Day is somewhat similar to March 8 for me. Many warm words and wishes are heard by teachers on the first Sunday of October! And the rest of the time their problems do not interest anyone
30.09.2011 For Teacher’s Day: the price of prime ministerial promises Unfortunately, the authorities traditionally remember the teacher once a year – and his troubles, and his victories, to sympathize, congratulate and wish all the best. Although not the first year the teacher expects from the authorities to act and improve life today
30.09.2011 Teacher’s Day is a women’s holiday The first Sunday in October. Education workers and parents of schoolchildren do not need to explain once again what day it is. They prepare for this day in advance, delighting sellers of flower stalls and souvenir shops
September 27, 2011 Kiev initiatives: back office "School of the XXI century: Kiev initiatives" – under such a promising name last week in Kiev was the Forum of Ministers of Education of European countries
September 27, 2011 Students of Ukraine neglect their health, – UNICEF According to a study presented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), a significant proportion of school-age youth drink alcohol and try drugs
09/15/2011 Violence in Ukrainian schools. Where do children get aggression from? At least a third of Ukrainian schoolchildren have been bullied by their peers. These are the data of a survey conducted by the Institute of Social and Political Psychology in four metropolitan schools
13.09.2011 Schools and students are not yet ready for daily physical education lessons, – the specialist According to experts, an alternative to daily physical education lessons can be a light warm-up, which should be carried out in class
10.09.2011 Mousetrap for school Schools in Ukraine are closing rapidly. And although this process is called "optimization", in fact, let’s be honest, it has been going on for quite some time
09/09/2011 Contributions to the funds of the capital’s schools have increased The first parent meetings in schools showed that you will have to pay more in the new school year
09/08/2011 Educational district … inside out According to the press service of the Kirovohrad Regional State Administration, our region was the first in Ukraine to adopt the program "Educational District – 2011-2015". It provides for the optimization of 214 schools – almost a third of those operating in the area
07/09/2011 The Ministry of Education began to https://123helpme.me/write-my-lab-report/ struggle with collecting money from parents in the capital’s schools The Ministry has taken such action in connection with numerous requests from parents of metropolitan schoolchildren for fundraising, in particular for conducting pedagogical experiments that require "special" textbooks and notebooks.
07/09/2011 On the application of a government decree on a 20% allowance for teachers From September 1, 2011 the payment of a 20 percent allowance to all pedagogical workers of educational institutions and educational institutions is established
09/2/2011 Is Ukraine threatened by a shortage of schools? Ukraine is threatened by a shortage of schools. And soon schoolchildren in cities with a population of millions will have to study in 2 shifts. These are the results of the monitoring conducted by the Center for Policy Research and Analytics. At the same time, officials say the number of schools available is too large for 4 million students

The technology of the webinar in the learning process has been used not so long ago, however, it is developing dynamically (Ukr.)

Webinar is a modern element of distance education

In the transition to distance learning, webinars are becoming a basic technology, providing interactive interaction between students and teachers.

With a lot of advantages, the webinar as a learning format can be a serious alternative to traditional forms of training.

So what is a webinar? Webinar (from web. Abbreviated "web-based seminar") – an online seminar, lecture, presentation, etc., organized using web technologies in live broadcast mode.

The basis of the webinar is software ("virtual class"), which allows you to organize communication between geographically remote users in real time. The virtual class can work in the environment of both the Internet and the local network.

It combines different communication tools in a single interface:

video and voice communication; text communication (chat); "White boards" for joint drawing; demonstration of the presentation (including group video viewing); Microsoft Office document exchange; Demonstration of the Desktop or active software applications from the presenter’s computer; tools for conducting surveys and voting among participants, as well as their testing (the results are calculated automatically, and they can be immediately presented to the audience).

Despite the fact that the scheme of the webinar looks quite simple, it should be noted that the levels of the webinar are also different.

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